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When considering a change in your mattress, remember that it’s not just about cushioning or firmness; the breathability of a mattress plays a significant role in transforming your sleep experience. When you’re thrown into the world of mattresses, you’ll hear a lot of terms like organic, plush, firm, innerspring, memory foam… but what does breathable mattress mean? 

What is a Breathable Mattress

Let’s first discover what a breathable mattress is. When you sleep, your mattress exists to support you and give you great rest to conquer the day. One of the factors that contributes to a great night sleep is body heat regulation. I’m sure we’ve all had nights where you can’t sleep properly because it feels simply too hot or too cold. Where is the happy medium?

That’s a breathable mattress. You want the flow of your body temperature to move through the mattress easily and not get trapped making you feel overheated. With air circulating efficiently and effectively, a great night’s sleep begins.

Benefits of a Breathable Mattress

  1. Temperature Regulation – One of the primary perks of a breathable mattress is its ability to regulate temperature. Materials like latex and cotton allow heat to disperse, preventing you from feeling uncomfortably warm during the night. This improved airflow will also help to discourage bed bugs, dust mites, and mold build up. An all-around healthier sleeping environment. 
  2. Moisture Control – A breathable mattress will help to wick away moisture. This will keep you feeling dry and comfortable. A breathable mattress is especially well suited for those who are prone to night sweats or live in a densely humid area. 
  3. Enhanced Comfort – the breathability of a mattress contributes to overall comfort. Feeling secure and comfortable throughout the night will make you less likely to toss and turn. Therefore, restful sleep lies ahead. 
  4. Durability – Breathable materials often translate to mattresses that maintain their quality over time. Improved airflow can prevent materials from breaking down quickly, extending the lifespan of your mattress. At Kloter Farms, our mattresses exceed the industry standard and are warrantied for 20 years!

Choose the Right Mattress for You

There are lots of factors to consider when shopping for a new mattress. Size, comfort level, materials, style. There are organic mattresses, adjustable base friendly mattresses, innerspring, memory foam… it can be overwhelming. If you’re looking for a more breathable mattress, look for features and designs that promote airflow. 

It’s important that you understand your own needs and sleep style. A breathable mattress can be a benefit to your sleep but is by no means a requirement to get your most restful night. 

Find Your Sleep Style

Finding the right mattress can be difficult. There are lots of options to navigate. View your mattress as your sleep partner. Breathable mattresses can transform your sleep experience. With their ability to regulate temperature, control moisture, and enhance overall comfort, they stand as an excellent choice for sleep! Prioritize your sleep with a new mattress. Not sure where to start? At Kloter Farms, our sleep experts can help you pinpoint what style and design of mattress would be best suited for you. One of the many benefits of trying a mattress in person, as opposed to buying online. Start having a great sleep tonight with Kloter Farms.

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